Sunday, September 16, 2007

Austin City Limits Music Festival 2007

I'm heading out to ACL Fest today. Should be hot, sweaty, and loud! Hopefully I'll meet up with some friends out there but it would be their third day in a row so they may be exhausted. When you're past your 20's you seem to lose some stamina to handle 3 days, 130 bands, for 8-10 hours a day.

But I'm covering the last day for Quirkee and may or may not end up with a band interview on-site. Either way I'll be people watching, taking photos, and jammin' alongside 64,999 other music lovers - and will report back next week on

I could think of worse things to write about.


Anonymous said...

Two words...I'm jealous.

Okay, so I have more than two words to say. While going through boxes a couple of weeks ago, I ran across all my old Skipper Pins and volunteer badges from Aqua Fest. I grew up going to that every year and then working it when I was old enough. Miss it so much.

Ty's Dad said...

I was there for all 3 days and have the sunburn to prove it. The fire on Friday was very cool, sorry you missed that (I have pics). Hope you enjoyed Sunday's lineup.