Friday, September 15, 2006

some badge links were added...

to the left side of this site. You should click on them. These are not paid advertisements, just some of my favorite places to visit on the web. Although, I think Jerry Jones could afford to slap a few $$$ my way. My wife and I shared a cab with him once in downtown Austin. Unfortunately, it was in 1997 during the start of the Cowboys' long losing streak. I told Jerry ( I like to think we're on a first name basis now) I was still a fan no matter what. He paid for the cab ride. Thank you again, Jerry. For that I honor your team and mine with the top badge link on this blog.

p.s. Jerry, if by some chance you are reading this...I have most of the Cowboys as my fantasy football league team and I really want to kick some ass. Don't let me down! I am looking forward to rubbing it in when we win the Super Bowl!

Quirkee is the online news and entertainment magazine where I am writing an article every Thursday about life as a stay-at-home/work-at-home dad. The column is titled Because I Said So.

Digital Photography Review is a great place for info about digital cameras and accessories, tips and tricks, reviews, and links to many other photographers and their work. Go there first for information before you make any purchases in the camera world.

Radio Paradise is...well, you should know that those two words sum it up. Go there and hear for yourself.

Then there is eBay, where I spend most of my time. Can't find it? You must not have checked on eBay...yet. You will. You want whatever it is you are looking for SO BAD that you will eventually look for it on eBay. Hey, I don't just preach it, I live it.

You can also click on any photo on the left side and it will take you to my gallery on I will add a few more of these link badges in the future. From this site you will be able to go wherever you need to be on the web!

Or...wherever I think you need to go. :)

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